Uplifting Syrian Women

Sustainable Development Goal 12

Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Some patterns of behavior we all do and can contribute to eradicating poverty in the world, so what are they?

Our consumption increases in the summer, in contrast to responsible production and consumption, specifically during the summer holidays. Trips, social events such as weddings, graduations, etc, we witness in the summer many forms of consumption that do not stop at its individual but turns into a culture of society, which has a positive and negative impact on the economy’s environment and development.

Therefore, achieving responsible production and consumption patterns yields gains in terms of efficiency and productivity, and ensures that our consumption remains within the absorptive capacity of our planet’s resources while respecting the rights of future generations. [1]

This is what Sustainable Development Goal 12 “Responsible Production and Consumption” aims at.

The concept of responsible production and consumption

Responsible production and consumption: by enhancing the efficiency of a resource, energy, and sustainable infrastructure consumption, in addition to providing access to basic services and green jobs – which means working in environmental sectors to serve the sustainable development goals – and improving the quality of life for everyone. [4]

We are going to achieve more in a better way and at a lower cost. [2]

here the cost is not limited to the material aspect but rather exceeds it for what is more important than it, because we incur environmental losses and an increase in social or class differences without responsible production and consumption.

The shift to a sustainable approach depends on our production and consumption activities, the use of services and products, the minimization of the use of natural resources and toxic substances, as well as the emission of pollutants and waste over the life cycle of the service or product so that the needs of future generations are not jeopardized. in simpler terms; For example, the culture of factory production today is not considered responsible or sustainable production. Looking at the products of factories, we do not deny the benefit of these services and products, but behind the curtain, there are effects that we do not pay attention to, such as wasting natural resources and harming the environment and health.

Another example is the transformation made by fast food restaurants into burger, which was essentially a piece of meat on a loaf of bread. Now it includes 7 or more ingredients instead of 2 (minced meat, cheddar cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise, onions, lettuce, and tomatoes and bread). It achieves the same goal in both ways, which is to supply the body with energy. As for the second method of preparing burgers, it almost generalizes with the irresponsible production and consumption systems in our lives. And all of this is for marketing purposes and a huge waste of resources.

How do we shift to responsible and sustainable production and consumption?

Shifting to sustainable production and consumption patterns involves increasing efficiency and productivity along the supply chains in industries for the life cycle of products, from raw materials to the final product. [1]

Starting by encouraging sustainability in the consumption of resources and energy, facilitating access to basic services, providing decent work opportunities that are not harmful to the environment, spreading a culture of rationalizing consumption, and improving the quality of life for the benefit of all. [2]

By shifting to what is sustainable in the agricultural sector (organic fertilizers, biologic control, modern irrigation systems, etc.). The next step, is the transformation to sustainability in industry and production using renewable energy sources, bio-treatment of waste, and ensuring a healthy environment for workers.

Finally, and most importantly, obtaining a sustainable and environmentally friendly product. And it doesn’t stop here; Production and consumption can be made sustainable in the tourism sector, public procurement practices, buildings, and food systems. [2]

Indeed, of their cross-cutting nature, responsible production and consumption address multiple sectors, from the economic, social, and environmental aspects of sustainable development. SDG 12 covers both the efficient use and management of natural resources (target 2) and environmental impacts such as waste management (target 5), and the release of pollutants, particularly chemicals (target 4). This goal engages all actors to contribute to sustainable development, including the private sector (target 6).

The goal also highlights the importance of providing information to and educating consumers about sustainable development and lifestyles (target 8). The goal also defines the role of the public sector through sustainable public procurement practices (target 7), as well as the shift towards sustainable consumption and production in the food system (target 3) and the tourism sector. Consumption and production activities are the basis of the global economy. But current patterns are rapidly depleting natural capital, degrading ecosystem services, and undermining countries’ ability to meet their needs sustainably. [1]

Also read: Sustainable Development Goal 11.

Experiences in responsible production and consumption

“Sustainable consumption according to the pillars of sustainable behavior, a field study of the consumer of sargas in Constantine – Algeria” This study aims to present the reality of sustainable consumption according to the pillars of sustainable behavior among consumers of sergas in the city of Constantine, as the pillars of this behavior were divided into four behaviors, pro-environmental behaviors, rationalization behaviors, altruistic behaviors, and fairness behaviors.

This study was accomplished by distributing a questionnaire to a sample estimated at 386 respondents from SERGAS users in three service stations in Constantine, and the statistical analysis was done using the SPSS statistical package. The study concluded that the sample items tend to support sustainable consumption behaviors that are built according to the pillars of sustainable behavior. [3]

This statistical study indicates the possibility of a shift to sustainability in the field of production and consumption, and the tendency of humans toward these behaviors if they spread instead of the prevailing consumption culture. Goal 12 remains essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, as it enables many of them to be achieved. The shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns has already begun in many parts of the world.

Our initiative supports this goal, like all sustainable development goals, and works to achieve it through awareness of the dangers of environmental pollution, and the importance of protecting the environment. The initiative also offers many training courses that support businesses that may constitute real steps in the field of achieving responsible production.

♀️ Uplifting Syrian Women Initiative aims at sustainable peace building in Syria through targeting women and providing them with free online courses, workshops, discussion sessions and trainings, with a view to achieving the goals of Gender Equality, Quality Education and Decent Work and Economic Growth, which all fall into the interest of society as a whole and serve the purpose of rebuilding it.


[1] UN


[3] UMC

[4] Beeatna