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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder: World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day aims to raise awareness about autism spectrum disorder, celebrate people with Autism, and renew our pledge to help them. Giving them all possible opportunities for education, employment, and integration, recognizing their full rights, and not marginalizing them. Unfortunately, in most countries of the world, these individuals suffer from the denial of their basic human rights and struggle with discrimination and exclusion.

“To measure the success of our societies, we should examine how well those with different abilities, including persons with autism, are integrated as full and valued members.”
– Ban Ki-Moon, Former United Nations Secretary-General.

Ban Ki-Moon also stated that education and employment are key to reaching success. In 2007, the UN General Assembly declared April 2nd of every year, as World Autism Awareness Day. The world celebrates this day every year since 2008. The World Health Organization estimates that one in every 100 children is diagnosed with autism, and some studies have reported much higher numbers.

What is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

World Autism Awareness Day aims to raise awareness of this disorder and how to deal with people with it. For this reason, we will talk briefly about what this disorder is and what are its symptoms.

Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder, its symptoms present in early childhood and can last throughout a person’s life. Autism affects people of all races, genders, and economic backgrounds. It is three to four times more common in males than females. This disorder is characterized by symptoms that vary from one person to another, but often manifest as follows:

  • Persistent deficits in social communication and interaction (e.g. Not responding or being slow to respond to one’s name or to other verbal bids for attention. Appearing not to look at or listen to people talking).
  • Restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities (e.g. Repeating certain behaviors or having unusual behaviors).

Causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

After identifying some of the signs and symptoms of ASD, we will move on to find out together what causes autism spectrum disorder. Although specialists do not know what causes autism spectrum disorder, certain factors can be associated with an increased risk of developing autism spectrum disorder, including:

1- Genetic abnormalities.
2- Having a sibling with ASD.
3- Having older parents.
4- Mother taking some medications during pregnancy.

One of the recommendations of World Autism Awareness Day is the need to see and consult a specialist doctor. It is very important to consult a doctor as soon as the symptoms are noticed in the child. 

Diagnosis and early intensive treatment have the potential to improve the outcome. A range of behavior and communication therapy programs determined by a group of specialists may proceed. The aim is to maximize functioning, move the child toward independence, and improve the quality of life. 

Treatment for (ASD)

No medication can improve the core signs of autism spectrum disorder. Specific remedies can help control symptoms and associated medical conditions. Such as anxiety, sleeping problems, and digestive issues under the supervision of a specialist. And most important of all is to identify the severity of the child’s condition and symptoms.

It is essential to constantly encourage the children and help them develop, reward them for every positive thing they do. Also not keep them distant from social life and have them integrated into it whenever possible. It is also necessary to adhere to disciplines, as an autistic child has trouble tolerating changes in routine.

 Parents understandably become exhausted by the relentless performance of challenging behaviors by their autistic children. And it’s our duty, as a community, to support each other, show respect and consideration for these children and their families, and deal with them with special care.

We celebrate World Autism Awareness Day in our initiative. And we appreciate the parents of these children, support and thank them for their patience and endurance, as we care for the persons with special needs; including children with autism spectrum disorder, and we thank all humanitarian associations and organizations that assist and care for them. 

Name some characteristics of people with autism that we haven’t mentioned, and if you are close or familiar with an autistic person, how is your interaction with them and the treatment of those around them?

Also Read:


  1. Up to Date 
  2. WHO
  3. Medscape
  4. CDC